Thursday, July 10, 2014

I Took Time Off!

I have been absent for some time here on my blog.  I finally have my mojo back and trying to get back in the swing of things.   Summer just drains me, heat, humidity, watering the dreadful garden, chickens padding down my wild flowers and me giving in to them.  Changed my diet to gluten free with the onset of digestive issues and so it goes with turning SS age everything else turned too!

The Good!  I have had such great response to the updated photography blog that I dumped my old quilting blog.  But when I dumped it I didn't have plans to update it too.   I think its because in my mind I was thinking of all the textiles art I work on should be harmoniously living together on one blog.  I like keeping my blog to the topic and not delve off to parts unknown. 

Through Kim Klassens' on line classes I learned about WabiSabi and one day was amazed at how much the work I love resembles this imperfect perfect aspect of hand crafted artisan textiles.  I love packing my life full of photography, quilting collage, knitting and spinning.   It keeps me happy and there is always a new project on the horizon, new props to explorer, a new seed pod to photograph or the loan of a friends cool silverware!  


1 comment:

  1. So glad you are back Sally, and refreshed. It is always good to take time away and just regroup. Summer always takes me for a loop, living in AZ. we are in the Heat of thing so to speak and I hate this time of year. Much like Winter for the rest of the states, lucky to have AC and Kim's Be Still class to focus on that has helped me so much this year but still it is a struggle for me.

    Love Love what you have done with your image above, simple so effective. I am on the lookout for some tarnished silver. I guess I could just get my Mom's silver out that I inherited and let it tarnish but..... may not.
